Our Mess | Community and Conflict Photo Archive
i was just looking through the Back Issues of Confederte Veteran Magazine Volume 15 No. 7 July 1907 p. 318
saw the following notice:
"Confederate Flag in Unclaimed Baggage. P. DeArlington, General Delivery, Dayton, Ohio, writes : "Recently I purchased at an auction sale of unclaimed baggage an old valise, in which was found wrapped in the remnants of an old tattered flag a photograph of a group of C. S. A. officers. On the back was written, yet quite legible : 'Our Mess Johnson's Island, Jan. 186 — . Capt. Jno. G. Kelly, 1st Mo. Cav. ; Capt. Reuben Kay, A. A. G., of Gen. Thompson's staff ; Lieut. Harrison M. McClure 1st Mo. Cav.; Capt. Wm. B. Coy, 9th Mo. Infty. ; Capt. Jno. C. Ward, nth Va. Infty.; Capt. Jno. T. Yates, Q. M. McD's Mo. Cav.; Lieut. Jno. T. Mahan, 1st Mo. Cav.; Lieut. S. R. Price, 1st Mo. Cav.: Brig. Gen. M. Jeff Thompson. Mo.; Lieut. Wm. Etter, 1st Mo. Cav.; Lieut. Wm. A. Bart (or Bast), 3d Mo. Cav.
From a pencil drawing by Wm. B. Coy, Capt. C. S. A.' " As this was evidently a highly prized picture, Mr. DeArlington is anxious to return it to its owner.
Confederate veteran [serial] : Confederated Southern Memorial Association (U.S.) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Description based on: v. 2, no. 1 (Jan. 1894); title from cover
Civil War Ozarks website came ACross drawing entitled "Our Mess" [see at top]
Research time about 5 minuites.....